Saturday, April 17, 2010

Signs of Spring

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful at our house. It gave us all a chance to get outside and enjoy the surprises of Spring! We are all enjoying watching our two little ones experience so many new things each day.

I think they thought it would always be rainy and cold at their new house. I told them that it would be warm enough to wear shorts, and you would have thought that I told them we were going to Disneyland. (They don't even know what Disneyland is.)

It got even better when I said that they could play with 'bare feet.' Wow!!! Life at our house is so exciting! I had to take a minute and capture their wonder as our yard has begun to bloom.

I watched Little Buddy from my kitchen window as he looked at these red tulips so intently.
So pretty, Mommy. I am so happy to have two more nature lovers in our family!
Sweet Momma

1 comment:

elisa said...

I love watching them grow!